Eiteljorg Insider: Four Questions with Molly Sass, Executive Assistant and Board Liaison
By Camryn Daniels, former marketing and communications intern
Think of the most organized person you know. Now, multiply that by 100 – that’s Molly Sass. Molly has been the Eiteljorg’s executive assistant and board liaison, meaning she ensures that the President and CEO has an accurate and up-to-date calendar daily. Molly corresponds with staff, donors, members and the community on various levels; prepares agendas and minutes and preserves all documents; and cultivates relationships regarding the board of directors, community advisory board and the museum’s national board, in addition to councils and task forces. At the end of the day, her goal is to make everyone happy. Prior to working at the Eiteljorg, her favorite positions in the past included serving as the executive assistant to the chief of staff at the Mayor’s Office, and serving as the constituent service representative for the state Attorney General’s office. She is the mother of a young adult daughter and son. After 15 years as executive assistant, Molly is leaving the Eiteljorg to pursue a new career opportunity. In looking back, here are a few questions about Molly’s time at the Eiteljorg.
What is your favorite memory during your time working at the Eiteljorg?
It would be the years that museum staff participated in a summer softball league. We played against other art institutions, and I thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie in spending time with colleagues. You were able to see everyone in an entirely different light. Several who didn’t play would even come out to support, and it was just an enjoyable time with “friends” without the pressures of work.

Mian Situ (American, born in China, 1953) The Golden Mountain, Arriving San Francisco, 1865, 2003 Oil on canvas Museum purchase with funds provided by the Eiteljorg Museum’s Western Art Society
What is your favorite piece in our collection?
I’m not sure I can pick just one favorite. However, I love Mian Situ’s oil painting The Golden Mountain, Arriving San Francisco, 1865. I think everyone at some point or another has experienced a long trip when they are tired, sick and ready to reach the final destination. I can empathize with the assortment of emotions they must be feeling in starting a brand new life, in a brand new city, with kids in tow. The anxiety of wondering what your life might be like once you get off the boat. Did you make the right decision? Will it be worth it? Maybe having to leave some family behind. I just see and feel the humanity of this piece.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love to travel — especially to places that are warm and beachy. I enjoy sitting on my porch swing and reading. And, if there is no judging involved, I’ll even admit to my love for doing yardwork and using my chainsaw.
What record is your go to music recommendation?
Right now, I’m really enjoying Motown music. How can you not swing and sway to these classics?
Editor’s Note: Molly Sass recently wrapped up her 15 years at the Eiteljorg to take a new position at Lilly Endowment Inc. as an administrative assistant in their Community Development division. After 15 years of her immeasurable contributions, leadership and friendship, we are sad to see Molly Sass move on from the Eiteljorg Museum, but we are thrilled for what lies ahead for her. There are not enough words to express what Molly has meant to the success and overall fabric of the organization during her time as executive assistant and board liaison at the Eiteljorg – it’s unmatched. She in many ways has been the glue of the organization involved in every facet. Many people have said that it is actually Molly that runs the museum. She has the pulse of everyone’s needs both internally and externally. But as wonderful of a professional as she is, she is an even better person. Molly’s smile, humor, organization, attitude and overall class will be dearly missed. She is an eternal part of the Eiteljorg family and we wish her all the best in her next chapter.