Eiteljorg Insider: Five Questions with Alisa Nordholt-Dean, Beeler Family Director of Education and Public Programs

By: Sophia Holt-Wilson, Eiteljorg Marketing and Communications Intern

Alisa Nordholt-Dean, who will be celebrating 15 years at the Eiteljorg in June, is the Beeler Family Director of Education and Public Programs at the Eiteljorg. She oversees public events in or around the museum including (but not limited to) exhibit-related programs, family programming days, festivals, and all of the museum’s education initiatives.

Here are five questions to help you get to know Alisa better:

1. What is your favorite piece in the museum?

“That’s a tough one . . . I think one of my favorite pieces is called Fox Spirit by Rick Bartow. It is a contemporary piece of art that involves a taxidermied fox.”

2. If you weren’t working here at the Eiteljorg, what would you do?

“I always wanted to be a farmer. I have the self-proclaimed best front-yard garden in Greenwood. I’ve always enjoyed growing food, especially fruits and vegetables.”

3. What inspires you?

“What doesn’t inspire me? I feel like everything inspires me. Working here especially, I can walk by a gallery and see something and be like ‘Oh, let’s do this or let’s try this idea.’ Talking to people and hearing ideas from my colleagues — that inspires me.”

4. If you could have any piece of art in your home, what would it be?

“Maybe if I could borrow a classic masterpiece like the Mona Lisa or something just to say that I had it? Borrow. Not steal!”

5. If you could choose to live anywhere on the planet, where would you go?

“I like to bounce around so I don’t know that I could pick just one place to live… I think I would have to have opportunities available to me. Maybe an Airstream, a travel trailer, so you could just go anywhere any time.”
